Monday, March 15, 2010


Greetings Blogosphere! 
Hate to start off on a less than positive note, but I must confess I was highly disappointed by the deluge this past weekend.  I am completely worthless on a rainy day, especially one following a bleak and blizzardy New York February.  My goals of finishing lyrics for two new songs for the Dead Copycats were completely drowned under the 25 inches of rainfall.  AND, I rolled into the office job an hour late because my body couldn't quite adjust to the time change.  Great start to the week!
Nevertheless, hope springs eternal....and for someone with a dash of the seasonal depression blues, it springs eternal in the spring.  March is flying by and I can't wait to start recording my solo stuff in April.  Can't help but think how appropriate it is to start a brand new creative project in the zenith of sprintime in New York, my absolute favorite time in the city, when those cherry blossoms start a-bloomin' and all those clothes peel right off.  Til Then!

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